How Facial Expressions and Body Language Speak For All Of Us, All The Time.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Eyes Have It

Have you ever noticed that human eyes are rather significantly different than the eyes of other mammals, including (or maybe even especially) those of other primates? A new study from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Antropology in Germany has hypothesized that our white sclera and high-contrast irises have helped others understand where our gaze is directed, which in turn improved our social communication and cooperation abilities.

Why Eyes are So Alluring

Can you think of times when you've reacted to just a minor movement of someone's gaze?

The classic is the party scene where, even without the person moving their head, you notice their gaze leave your face and move over your shoulder to someone beyond. This is a subtle, but strong social cue that the conversation is drawing to a close and, unless you want to seem uncouth, you need to move aside in such a way to allow your conversational partner to leave.

Share other gaze-related body language cues in the comments!

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