How Facial Expressions and Body Language Speak For All Of Us, All The Time.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Rating the Experts

Below is a five-minute local news video with the authors of a book on body language for job interviews. While most of what they say won't be news to readers of this blog, it's interesting to watch the body language on display during the interview. What sticks out for you? I share my impressions after the video:

Scroll down for impressions:

The first thing I noticed is the (reasonable) nervousness of the male author - he's appropriately using his hands but maybe he's thinking about his body language too much and so he trips over his speech a bit. The tall barstools are terrific for exposing the whole body here - compare the ramrod straight posture, big social smiles and submissive hands in laps of the guests with the upright but more relaxed and dominant bodies and faces of the hosts. Not unlike a job interview!

Note that the male guest mirrors the male host, and the women do this as well. My favorite part was the put-on look of surprise at one point from the female host - it lasts way too long and is a dead give-away that she's not actually surprised but that she wants to convey that emotion to the audience. What did you see?

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