How Facial Expressions and Body Language Speak For All Of Us, All The Time.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oprah's audience shows fear before learning about their surprise

Click the title to go to Entertainment Weekly's site showing pictures of audience members when they learned that they were getting "a big surprise", but they didn't yet know WHAT. There are lots of classic fear expressions in the photos. Why? Well, many reasons. If I jump in front of you and announce that I've got " a BIG surprise for you...", all sorts of thoughts are going to fly through your head. Is it a GOOD surprise? With Oprah, I think anyone would assume she's giving out good surprises, but good is always in the eye of the beholder. Also, they drew out the tension for all it was worth, giving everyone time for their adrenaline to build up to maximum levels (and be ready to explode with joy once the surprise was announced).

Follow the link and check out the pictures!

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