How Facial Expressions and Body Language Speak For All Of Us, All The Time.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Why is This Man Smiling?

The following picture is from the New York Times - the man is smiling (a real smile, involving the eyes), but those around him are not. What do you think is happening?

A young movie star with his bodyguards stepping onto the red carpet? Or a suspect in international piracy arriving to the US court in manacles?

You may remember one of Amy's video from the workshop showing murder suspect Casey Anthony entering a room, handcuffed, flashing a smile at the reporters and photographers assembled there. Are these the smiles of narcissistic sociopaths delighting in their crimes? Or are we so conditioned to smile at experiencing such strong attention (name called, photos) that we can't help it? Or, is it something else entirely?

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