How Facial Expressions and Body Language Speak For All Of Us, All The Time.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Body Language/Facial Expressions in the Media

Much of the workshop's first half featured the research of Dr. Paul Ekman, a leader in the study of facial expression. You can learn more about his advanced training at his website, but you can also learn quite a bit from the blog he's keeping as technical advisor to the U.S. TV show "Lie to Me", which is loosely based on the work of Dr. Ekman and his colleagues.

On the main show website, be sure to check out some of the videos -- here's a great one describing the genuine "Duchenne Smile".

Elsewhere, find the user-contributed "Faces in the News". Do you have a good example of a famous face "saying it all" in contradiction to their words?


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